I was a freshman in high school when the movie Flashdance came out. It was one of those movies that leaves a lasting impression on a young man, and while I cannot recall the plot (if it had one) or any of the names of the characters, I do vividly remember a few scenes. Like the one with the sweatshirt and the bra.
If you are male and in your late 30s or early 40s, you don't need me to help you recall the scene. For the rest of you, the whole scene can be summed up by this: Jennifer Beals, in the middle of a conversation, reaches into her baggy, over-sized, gray sweatshirt, and methodically removes her bra, eventually pulling it out one sleeve while leaving her sweatshirt on the whole time.
Now that I am older, I know that this was no real great feat, but at the time, I wouldn't have been more surprised if she had pulled a live pink and green chihuahua through that sleeve. "You can do that?" my tiny puberty-fuddled brain asked.
It is over 20 years later and I must say, the female of the species can still befuddle my brain. Take Friday afternoon, for instance. Naptime for the twins had just ended. I know this because I hear Lila yell, "Fluffy! Fluffy!" Don't ask me why she calls Victoria Fluffy, but considering she uses one of the foulest words in the English language when she means to say sock, I think Victoria's getting off easy. Anyway, Fluffy soon awakens as well, and the after-nap giggling begins.
Naps can end in one of three ways: talking, tears, or giggling. Talking is a good sign. Tears are a little harder, but it is really the giggling that freezes the blood. Giggling means something is up. And that is never a good thing.
But silly me, I tarry. I go downstairs to the kitchen, pour some fresh milk into two clean sippy cups, get out two bowls of Cheerios for snack, and perhaps even check my email one last time before I go into the nursery, fool that I am.
When I finally enter the babies' room, I immediately see the reason for the mirth. Victoria is waving a diaper over her head. Her diaper. The one that should be providing a much needed buffer between her private parts and the rest of the world. And here's the Flashdance moment, she is still fully clothed. She is still wearing everything she was wearing when she went to bed: her shirt, jeans, and even her socks. Somehow she had reached inside her clothes and removed her most important item of clothing, leaving the rest intact. And amazingly still dry.
As my child waves her diaper over her head like Team Toddler had just won the World Cup, I stand there in wonder. Then I start thinking what a great Looky Daddy post this will make. Then, still standing there, I even start composing the post in my head, trying to remember the name of the lead actress in Flashdance, and whether or not YouTube will have any videos of her doing the whole sweatshirt/bra thing. Then, as though she is wondering about this too, Victoria stops waving the diaper, gently cocks her head to one side, looks at me a little funny, and pees all through her clothing.
It's not quite the same as Flashdance, but what a feeling!
Being in the (very) late 30's male group, you had me in stitches the whole time! :-)
Posted by: R | October 03, 2006 at 09:33 AM
Thank goodness my boy cannot read yet, because that sooo sounds like something he would want to try!
(and as a 30-something woman, I will admit that I was so entranced by that scene that I removed my bras like that for years afterwards. Even without anyone around.)
Posted by: django's mommy | October 03, 2006 at 11:07 AM
We should try this with Depends! In fact, that would make a good party game.
Posted by: JHC | October 03, 2006 at 12:20 PM
Should I even admit I've never seen Flashdance? Not that I'm not old enough, just never got to it..
Anyway, this is why I love onesies. My diaper-taker-offer hasn't figured out how to reach into the onesie to undo a diaper yet. YET being the operative word, here.
Posted by: Kate | October 03, 2006 at 12:56 PM
You know J. Beals is looking good these days, she even stars on the L Word. The L Word used to be good but it's pretty lame now so don't get too into it.
Posted by: katie | October 03, 2006 at 04:11 PM
Omg that is SOOOOOO funny! :)
Posted by: scatteredmom | October 03, 2006 at 05:08 PM
I just wanted to tell that reading your blog everyday puts a huge smile on my face, you are very funny and find humor in everything. That is the way the whole world should be. Keep on writing.....
Posted by: Elizabeth | October 04, 2006 at 09:29 AM