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October 16, 2006


She might kill you for that pic alone. lol

Wow, your sofa must be really comfortable.

I can only imagine that the last paragraph of this post was cut off. The one where he talks about how I was radiant while pregnant, stunningly gorgeous, although a bit large. I am SURE that he will add a comment about that and how marvelous I was while pregnant; what a lucky man he is.

The Mom: I hope your ankle is feeling well enough to kick The Dad in the arse!

All kidding aside, I was enormous with the twins. They made it to 39 weeks and were 6lbs and 6lbs+. Here on the E. Coast, my belly was often in a different state than the rest of my body.
However, I am still waiting for The Dad to post a comment about how Demi on the cover of Esquire couldn't hold a candle to me. But he's busy raising my children, so I guess that is more important and I will have to wait.

It's one thing for US to say we were huge.. but not THEM... :D I was all very huge belly with mine (who were also 6 and 6 1/2 pounds) but no one else is allowed to say that! I looked like I was smuggling watermelons.

Wow. 39 weeks. That great for twins.

While you must have been as big a, well... you know, it might be a little gauche to make note of it, much less write a whole blog post about it.

(my wife made me say that)

The Mom handled pregnancy with the same style and grace with which she handles everything. Outside of our wedding day, she has never been more radiant or beautiful than when she was pregnant with our kids. Her skin, every hectacre of it, gave off a glow that is usually limited to air-brushed swimsuit models.

Enormous she was, but she was enormous because she was able to accomplish the amazing: 39-week twins. I personally have difficulty moving around after an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet, but The Mom, at 8-months pregnant, carrying around what looked to be a small Volkswagon Beetle on her front, was still commuting daily to work. She was and is truly amazing.

Now can I come back inside, dear? It's cold out here!

It's good to know there are fellow Uteruses of Steel out there. Or would that be Uteri? Anyway, mine were evicted at 40 weeks on the dot and I worked until 5 days before that.

"they'd get her back to the ocean if only she could hold out until the tide came back." !!!
No no no, bless YOU!

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