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« Carpools With Camilo, part 2 | Main | Single White Female »

November 08, 2006



I watch them sleeping
On top of all their blankets
Dreaming of mischief

Play With Fire

Three would have been nice
Fertilized egg splits in two
And now we have four

Otherwise She Would Have Beat Me To Death

My mom said
The eff word
Saved my life

I was thinking 3-5-3, and I still didn't get it right.

Let's start over:

My mom once told me
The Eff Word Probably Saved
Me and Steven's Lives

(New title: Otherwise She Would Have Beaten Us To Death)

While babes sleep soundly
We recharge our batteries
To face tomorrow.


Twins are a blessing.
Twice the poopy and pukey.
Cleaning them is fun.

Return to Parents

I don't have children
Because when they are your own
You can't give them back

The Joy of Reflux

Eight ounces swallowed
Six heaved on home furnishings
Refill the bottle

Loving Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Boys play quietly
In another room nearby
One word rings, "uh oh"


Joe and Nancy raise
John and Michael, but really
The boys raise pure hell

Here's another one from me:

On off on off on
Off on off on off on off
On off on off on

I call it Standing On a Chair I Can Reach the Light Switch.

John and Michael love
Their big brother James, who loves
To jump on their heads

I am very tired
My sanity dwindles more
And then they giggle

Their outfits don't match
But I was there at their birth
They really are twins

Double trouble, yes
Two for the price of one? NO!
Better me than you!

Efficient machines:
produce much more poop than food
they consume each day.

Have twins? Twins, you say?
Insanity, thy name is
parent. Please, no more!

The Breast Pump

Black Backpack Pulses
In a Quiet Room Mom Hides
Milk Overflowing

Crying Over Spilled Milk

Midnight, stay awake!
A tired head nods in slumber
Pumping before bed.

Ok, I am going to be a hog; I have four:

He's Got a Cold

I suck out his nose
Babies make grown-up boogers
Bulb syringe goes “slurp”

Why We Have So Much Laundry

Oh no, a loud splurt!
Poop up to his collarbone;
Second bath today.

Long-Distance Love

“Kiss that baby boy,”
Both of his grandmothers say.
It’s easy to comply.

Damn You, Dr. Sears!

Sleep when baby sleeps
Say all the childcare experts
What if he won’t nap?

Watch What You Say

Sweet girl two years old
Playing with toys, frustrated
When she says, "Oh fut."


At breakfast she asks
Did we lose the election?
And she's only six

HEY! What did you do?
Did you do that Mister, huh?
You poop on the floor?

(Do dogs count as children if we don't have kids of our own?)

As time goes by

Two babies, need sleep
Terrible two's, oh my word
Three years, please survive!

What am I in trouble for teaching her today?

Her mind a steel trap
Her attention span a sieve
Bad habits retained

"That new baby smell"

Barf stains on the couch
Glasses smudged by drooly hands
Laundry never ends

"Days of our lives"

Toothless grin at dawn
Sleepy eye rub at seven
Growing up between

"Why there are only two things in the washing machine"

Diaper blowout, noon
Daycare loans onesie; at home
Poop escapes again

Our Generation
Born in easy world
Plundered everything in sight
We leave a less place

Ode to GM
Air so nice and clean
Cars much bigger than they seem
Anyone smell gasolene?

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