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March 19, 2007


Watch out, #21!!!

We all know that Jesus is the fastest, the strongest, and might be packin' heat under that robe.

By the way, how IS Camillo?

Right--I miss hearing about Camillo. Let's hear what he'd have to say about this (or anything else.)
The Dad, maybe you could interview his parents on the topic of "kids say the darndest things."

LOL - the first name that came to my mind was Camillo! I'm amazed that Jesus can run in his sandals AND score all those touchdowns!

Hey, at least after the game Jesus can turn all the Gatarade into wine.

Funny you should mention him, because Camilo is all ready to break Kathryn's heart in tomorrow's post.

And if you like today's statue, click here.

Wow - that Jesus sure is a jock! My only comment after seeing all of those statues is that I hope he is using something other than the holy ghost to protect him!

I had no idea Jesus was so delightfully athletic. I'd like to make the request to the manufacturers/importers that they put Jesus in some proper sports attire. I'd hate to see him get benched for not "dressing out."

Would that be entitled "The Immaculate Handoff"??

Wait. There isn't one for bloggers?

Jesus is one thing, but I'd hate to take a hit from Buddha

I'm all for turning the gatorade into wine! That'd be the best after game party... for the parents!!

So, The Dad, are you part-owner of CatholicShopper.com? You may be giving them quite an increase in business. I just ordered one of each of them for all of my children.

My favorite is Jesus Making Peace Between the Catcher and the Opposing Hitter.

Where did you find this? Do they have a Baseball Jesus, too?

owenora: See my comment above for more statues.

Thanks for that link, by the way. I think I've got the hots for a holy man... RAARRR! He's so athletic.

Does it play "Drop-kick Me, Jesus, Through the Goalposts of Life"?


I bought my best mate that very statue for his 18th birthday.

I like to think I'm terribly funny.

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