Who are you?
My name is Brian. I'm a stay-at-home dad. Since I started this blog, I've gone by The Dad, Luther, and a few other identities to boot, not the least of whom being fake names under which I submit haiku to win my own contests. Prizes don't grow on trees, you know.
And if you send me an email, I might just answer it.
And your wife?
My wife's name is Sharon, but here she is The Mom. She hates blogs. All of them. Do not think this one is any exception. She'd probably like this one more if a stopped posting stories like this. Or stopped posting altogether.
Kathryn is in third grade. She's afraid of high school, and twins, and will never marry a girl. Last year we discovered she had epilepsy, which was very rude of her but what can you do? Kids today have to have hobbies.
The twins are Lila and Victoria. They are four. They were born on January 1st, so you've been partying on their birthday and you didn't even know it. Lila has lost a tooth, a toe, and any youthful optimism that she might ever have possessed. Victoria is just along for the ride.
Who else appears regularly on your site?
Kathryn's best friend and carpool buddy, Camilo, makes regular appearances. So does his dad, who along with fellow parent-of-twins, Jennifer, make up the core of the 3-Martini Playdate.
Can I come to a 3-Martini Playdate?
Probably not, but don't give up the dream. Never give up the dream.
You have three girls. Are you going to try for a boy?
Yes, because there's just something very dissatisfying about having only girls. I can't really put my finger on it, but sometimes, in my quiet moments, I ponder the fact that I don't have any boys and think what an asshole you are to ask that question.
What did you do before you became a stay-at-home dad?
I taught middle-school Algebra. It's one of the few professions in the world that makes raising kids seem preferable.
Why did you call the site, "Looky, Daddy!"?
Because there's not a single day that goes by that I do not hear those words. My girls very astutely recognize that nothing in this world carries any importance unless it is first gazed upon by me.
Why aren't their more pictures of your girls on your site?
Would you post pictures of your kids on a site that comes in first (and second) when you Google hot kinky twin fantasy?
If being a stay-at-home dad is so much work, how do you have time to blog?
I don't have time to blog. Every post I write is time I should spend doing other things. Just the fact that I stopped to answer this question means the family is wearing dirty underwear tomorrow.
What's your favorite martini recipe?
3 to 4 oz. good tequila
1 oz. Cointreau
2 oz. sour mix
juice of one limejalapeƱo stuffed olives Place all but the olives in a shaker. Add a splash of olive juice and fill with ice. Then shake it like a maraca, pour it into two salt-rimmed martini glasses, and enjoy.